Saturday, April 18, 2009


The World Wide Global Online Theatre presents...."Britney Spears is now following me on Twitter I just learned."

The B.S. (Britney Spears management Team sends out Twitters every twenty seconds to let you know what's happening...last nite Lindsey Lohan, Abe Lincoln, Madonna, Obama, Chris Rock,David Bowie, Susan Boyle, Sheikh Shakes Spears Hillary Clinton were all at Britney's house to watch TV......signed, the Britney,Managment team.

Britney has about a million TWITTERERS following her..I have nineteen vyfe not my wife my GERMAN VYFE SUSANNA MENKE is the leader in Berlin....Susanna tells me (Biff Rose) news of Ralph Boes.Ralph Boes is the father of Freya Susanna's 17 year old daughter...Ralph says George Bush should be hanged and that America should pay reparations to Germany...

"Why" I asked Susanna yesterday...We lived together two years twenty five years ago...she didn't know I was an INternational Poet Tester recorded by a bevy of shallow, flaccid but famous big name droppings....after my concert in Berlin two years ago she found out...I founded the NETSEE party for just such an occassion as TWITTER...we seize control of the NET for all NETSEIZE and those w3ho cqan NOT SEE what we are doing are NOT go twit will NOT change the Constotution to "We, the PEEP...OR We the TWIT..."'re only mentally masturvating if you try...going from We, the People to We the PEE pull..." I won;t stand for it..neither wil the NETSEIZE...we are cold....we see the NET as cast...and the cast as charaxters in a world wide vurld vide play. Now I make my move to bring Susanna und Freya her 17 year old daughter to America and raise them that they never fall into the arms of RALPH BOES who says America should pay reparations to Germany...for something or other....

"Susanna...I have to wrestle with that "reparations" issues here in America with Chris Rock's head stuck up Oprah Winfrey's ass. Chris Rock thinks white people should pay reparations to black people for slavery...I say get a roll of hundred dollar bills, ram it up Chris Rock's ass for a New Product called Reparation H"....once I take care of our Planetation being the Prince of Darkies then I can move on to kill your former lover and father of your daughter in the sho biz he is famous now in Germany and so has a thick veneer....which can be a a "veneer disease". (Google Ralph Boes)

"Yes....people are writing Ralph saying he's crazy..he's giving Anthroposophy a bad name....." says Susanna...(Anthroposophy was developed by Rudolf Steiner who started the Waldork Schools...I mean mind goes "salad" at the mention "Waldorf"..either that or Astoria.....
I have to convince Susanna I'm upstanding and don;t want to phuck Freya who's 17 but so far looks like a horse....she says she doesn't like Ralph the father lying in bed with Freya....I tell her Emily here at Mojo's coffeehouse is 28 and I'm 71 and like her father but when I drew her the chords to Summertime....(she plays piano)...we have a chordship..I am chording Emily...she rebelled....E seventh followed A min in the Lead Sheet..but I expanded it to D maj, A maj and D in the left hand which spelled DAD and F sharp, the right hand with a B maj and A flat on top in a ticklish manner to represent 'Spicy pussy" and how daughter comes up against DAD and retreats into the Lead sheet.

Susanna "got" it when I played it while explaining it long distance will be tight by the time my show begins at ten p..m. on April 30th at the Neutral Ground coffeehouse in New Orleans....Emily will be there....we're having a baby song called Baby Oolong.....with Susanna it's still Out of the frying pan into th Freya..." But Susanna told her daugher I said she looked like a horse ( I meant a pony) so I have a lotta ground to make up.....before I inoregnate Freya Menke in ten years when she's 27 and I'm 81..the perfect Britney's Twitter....she has a million twits...I have only ninteen..but they are quality twits whereas I think Britney will just twit anyone,,,,,


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