Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Biff takes uber the government in a BEER HALL PUSH from the ROSE GARDEN

Dream about Muggsy PART TWO
You like Obama. People "LIKE" Obama because he puts them to sleep more entertainingly than that ol' pasty faced Mr.Doughboy John McCain. Obama's LIPS are more purple like Al Sharpton's and tha grand ol' blackened redneck... that Grand Ol'Oprah's. They could change the Constitution and ALL black people would vote ,"YES!" for "We, the PURPLE..."I have on MY side ALL the Jazz artists fresh from their ORJAZZMS as JARtists...birds chirpping as one EAGLE-maniacal Churd Burping,showing how SOUP-EARIER "AH-WHIRR-JASSIZ" descending from "Jingle Ball" monkeys to "Jungle Bells" and Blue MONKS in cells ...we kill two STONES with one BIRD... Tweets and Twitterers changing the Constitution to "We,the PEEP..." for life,liberty and the Happiness of PURSUIT !"I took Obama's wife Michelle ma belle musically after he took my girfriend "Raychelle Tension". He said,"We are living in a post-"racial" society" (to make it less controversial)...I said, "Who's we? and will TEACH him a lesson as POP that weasel's gotta GO...... teach him (ahem!) a HYMN about Mother Nature's Music (Mom's the word)...in an unbroken line that has ruled since time begins if you read between the legs.... I took Obama's wife on July 15th in Cambridge during my concert at the Lily Pad...next door to... Druish's Lost Tribe Irish Pub...Next day, July 16th an Irish cop named JIM CROW-ley busted a black Harvard professor...and the Gates of HELL opened for Obama who FELL from grace...when he said,"All the facts aren't in but.."He shoulda stopped right there. But he didn't. He sank into the quagmire of my girlfriend Rachelle Tension... He apologized.I apologize. Then he entered into MY TURF. He called for a BEER HALL PUSH....in the ROSE GARDEN....I quickly called for my government-in-eggs-aisle...the BEEROCRACY to convene where the circle is unbroken...The Circle Bar for all the stars and BEERocrats of every Red Stripe....to stare into MY INITIALS.,,,Paul "Biff" Rose, PBR..Pabst Blue Ribbon...two dollars a bottle ALL DAY LONG at the Circle Bar on LEE Circle in New Orleans where just outside the BARS (and STARS) Robt. E. Lee stands with arms folded high atop a hundred foot tall white column facing north DEFIANTLY. I take the bitsches now. The spreecies can't continue through the legs of that limpdik who judges before all the facts are in and says the Cambridge Police acted "stupidly" one week after I officially took his ol' lady IN CONCERT July 15th at The Lily Pad...you can hear the song Mama's Boy on my Facebook.com page...My girlfriend's name is Rochelle.Her sister's name is Raychelle.They got the SAME last name...attention !!!Don't TELL my girlfriend Rochelle what her sister already knows...she'll be mad at me for mounting Rachelle Tension.Now...sob...Raychelle's LEFT me...and Barack Obama telle me, "Biff,we're living in a post-"racial" society "...and I say, "WHO'S WE ??? "Racial" LEFT ME...I'm takin' ME-SHELL ...I'm givin' her all my money...cuz she's FAHN-N-N...and if I were President I'd make her HEAD of my FAHN AAS Committee...!!!" CuzBobby Dylan dumped Joan Baez...so Alicai Keys dumped bob dylan in a manner of speaking...on page 23 of the Rolling Stone.."You jooboyz come in here with your match stick dikz and accuse us black chicks of havin' LOOSE PUH-C..."I'm not for the United States of Americaobama is . I'm for AMERICA whether the states are united or NOT...where the circle is unbroken at the bars...and...stars come in where racists dwell in Hell's GATES open wide..this ray of light I bring burns cysts up the anal cranials of buh-black buh-butter-fuh-flies in their newly emerging fuh-flight from old cocoons...for the ray-cysts among us I am Public ENEMA NUMBER ONE..you are hereby commanded to LOVE THY ENEMA...for BEERocrats everywhere and the dot com man good....(I have my own private jew)to be con't


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