Saturday, April 18, 2009


The World Wide Global Online Theatre presents...."Britney Spears is now following me on Twitter I just learned."

The B.S. (Britney Spears management Team sends out Twitters every twenty seconds to let you know what's happening...last nite Lindsey Lohan, Abe Lincoln, Madonna, Obama, Chris Rock,David Bowie, Susan Boyle, Sheikh Shakes Spears Hillary Clinton were all at Britney's house to watch TV......signed, the Britney,Managment team.

Britney has about a million TWITTERERS following her..I have nineteen vyfe not my wife my GERMAN VYFE SUSANNA MENKE is the leader in Berlin....Susanna tells me (Biff Rose) news of Ralph Boes.Ralph Boes is the father of Freya Susanna's 17 year old daughter...Ralph says George Bush should be hanged and that America should pay reparations to Germany...

"Why" I asked Susanna yesterday...We lived together two years twenty five years ago...she didn't know I was an INternational Poet Tester recorded by a bevy of shallow, flaccid but famous big name droppings....after my concert in Berlin two years ago she found out...I founded the NETSEE party for just such an occassion as TWITTER...we seize control of the NET for all NETSEIZE and those w3ho cqan NOT SEE what we are doing are NOT go twit will NOT change the Constotution to "We, the PEEP...OR We the TWIT..."'re only mentally masturvating if you try...going from We, the People to We the PEE pull..." I won;t stand for it..neither wil the NETSEIZE...we are cold....we see the NET as cast...and the cast as charaxters in a world wide vurld vide play. Now I make my move to bring Susanna und Freya her 17 year old daughter to America and raise them that they never fall into the arms of RALPH BOES who says America should pay reparations to Germany...for something or other....

"Susanna...I have to wrestle with that "reparations" issues here in America with Chris Rock's head stuck up Oprah Winfrey's ass. Chris Rock thinks white people should pay reparations to black people for slavery...I say get a roll of hundred dollar bills, ram it up Chris Rock's ass for a New Product called Reparation H"....once I take care of our Planetation being the Prince of Darkies then I can move on to kill your former lover and father of your daughter in the sho biz he is famous now in Germany and so has a thick veneer....which can be a a "veneer disease". (Google Ralph Boes)

"Yes....people are writing Ralph saying he's crazy..he's giving Anthroposophy a bad name....." says Susanna...(Anthroposophy was developed by Rudolf Steiner who started the Waldork Schools...I mean mind goes "salad" at the mention "Waldorf"..either that or Astoria.....
I have to convince Susanna I'm upstanding and don;t want to phuck Freya who's 17 but so far looks like a horse....she says she doesn't like Ralph the father lying in bed with Freya....I tell her Emily here at Mojo's coffeehouse is 28 and I'm 71 and like her father but when I drew her the chords to Summertime....(she plays piano)...we have a chordship..I am chording Emily...she rebelled....E seventh followed A min in the Lead Sheet..but I expanded it to D maj, A maj and D in the left hand which spelled DAD and F sharp, the right hand with a B maj and A flat on top in a ticklish manner to represent 'Spicy pussy" and how daughter comes up against DAD and retreats into the Lead sheet.

Susanna "got" it when I played it while explaining it long distance will be tight by the time my show begins at ten p..m. on April 30th at the Neutral Ground coffeehouse in New Orleans....Emily will be there....we're having a baby song called Baby Oolong.....with Susanna it's still Out of the frying pan into th Freya..." But Susanna told her daugher I said she looked like a horse ( I meant a pony) so I have a lotta ground to make up.....before I inoregnate Freya Menke in ten years when she's 27 and I'm 81..the perfect Britney's Twitter....she has a million twits...I have only ninteen..but they are quality twits whereas I think Britney will just twit anyone,,,,,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Victoria's Secret Theatre

Victoria's Secret Theatre presents.."Girl if you ain't..."--- On Sat, 4/11/09, Victoria J wrote:From: Victoria J Subject: Victoria J sent you a Care2 eCard!To: biffyoman@yahoo.comDate: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 8:16 PMVictoria J sent you an eCard from Care2! Click on the following link to view your eCard, or paste it into your browser: Care2 eCard was sent April 11, 2009 and will be available for 14 days.Warm wishes,Dear Victoria's Secret Theatre..girl if you ain;t somethin;...what a thoughful little gift for...for Ishtar..where He comes out of the shell...a real little pearl...Happy Oyster is certainly a rizing for this young bloke..I am surrounded by beauty in the "ayes have it" (I heard that beauty is in the behind of the holder)... old folks like every white boy singer songwriter of the sixties cannot imagine or speak like this..they got "big" and "old"......Pope Petey of Peteysbird sent a delightful he wrote ten years ago..very innocent and is on my Mess Board....;.the punk Marilyn Monroe was here for half the nite slurping chaotically about the piano..;we sang every song that sandman ever knew...Punk blond Mollied out Marilyn (MOLLY is the name of her favorite drug...I told here /I have a song named...she didn;t care..she wanted drugs...Mollies)....,she...being 25 is so young, chaotic, free spirited from Portland so of course new to the ways of corruption I embody and espouse without really having to get espoused...or ever too embawdied...all I had to do was play a few chords and she started falling..I am in tune with...I mean that I mean the boundaries are DOWN sound wise and new definitions of (sound)"reality" take place like Jesus said,"In the future you will not get married or be given in marriage cuz you can't die anymore....."...the point ARE married in the eyes of the ALMIGHTY so define and descibe the uniqueness of marriage and you will be defined,defied... and describe the YOU-neek-ness of the ALMIGHTY Almighty. gaddam uncle sam shot the rooster killed the ham.....Emily and I are in a chord on this point..we strike a chord and I am chording her..we have a chordship underway....this is the fourth has to be seen in quarters now....the first three months..torrid.....from Monkees to Monk...then the big fight...over D maj, A maj, D would spell DAD and jesus DID say I am coming again in the glory of DAD...Emily retreated..the paper...the sheet music said A min toi E seventh in Summertime and the livin' is am jumpin; and de cotton am high..,,,it was too insipid fo these ears..that E seventh..I stretched it out to DAD in the left hand and a rakish sweep of D culminating (climaxing orjazzmically)... in a usurpation of E reducing the topmost notings to...what I call a "spicy *****" and will call it that at my performance ( or spicy pushy if thoes ten year olds are there.....and then explain everything to their thirty two year old mommies over cocktails at Abie Levy Habersham we're the boys that eat no ham,...grab that gentile hold him tight..jewish sunagogue fight fight fight.... on April 30 at the Neutral Ground...Marilyn "Punky" Monroe will be there..her name is Stella..she hears more than Emily cuz she's 25 and in the streets and Emily's 28 and lives inside....BIG difference...Emily has to OPEN UP..I know dam well it is her war with her DAD that has sent her reeling into the conservative E seventh following A min to start out Summertime so all in all I see her (Pisces) as a Prophetess signally the coming summer and hot times in the old town tonight..with a weekly injection of punk Marilyn gaping over my changes..she;'s new to that kind of playing..she;'s NW punk (Portland) which means techno..spinning...jamming two records together until some kind of rhythm clashes and that's called Train Wreck..I shrug...I'm the Waltz King..(Lawrence Welk of Arabia)...these techno cookie cutter kids never heard changes or music as I call it before DAD and Spicy Pushy.....they gawk..they fall..they's like Chocolate City where we all talk Latin comin' out the Back End...Fanous Amos Anus....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Still "GOT" it..!!!

The World Wide Web Theatre presents..."That was a very "telling" e-mail,Bill"--- On Tue, 4/7/09, bill walsh wrote:
From: bill walsh Subject: PicturesTo: "biff rose" Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 8:50 AM

Thanks for the great pictures Biff ! ... I received them yesterday ... You're right ... Emily is very beautiful ! ... You're a lucky guy ... And she's lucky too .... Must be very inspiring ... Looks like you still got it Biff ! .... Both pics are great .... The one of you playing while Emily looks on definitely captures the New Orleans atmosphere .... Thanks again .... Memories I will always keep.

Take Care,

Dear Bill..that's such a "funny" line...that "looks like you've still "GOT" it,Biff.."...whew..what a loaded phrase !!! I wondered when I first saw her behind the counter at Mojo's Coffeehouse last November,"Is that new girl really that beautiful or are my eyes tricking me?...blind in the left from that Mexican Viagra and those German beta blockers...up down ...up down ..but always manana///I still wasn't sure until you wrote and said yes..she's beautiful...I have had to sit in that cafe for months now and stare and write and observe other guys hitting on her and what their lines are and what is her response...we "hooked" up oddly enough when one day in Feb she said "I
ve been listening to jazz...Blue Monk" that point all reservations on my part were down and she was mine..openly in the ear for sure...the lines began to flow..."We will not have a relationship,Emily..we will have a chord-ship....I am chording you a-chording to..." are a waitress...I am a customer...Paul is the walrus...we lean on the counter and listen to jazz...we are the counter culture...our chordship evolved "I'll paint your face for Mardi Gras.." You do that and I'll give you free coffee forever..." The seeds were planted and Baby Oolong was born....D maj to B min to that rakish, sonorous G with a G flat and a B to settle the issue...I performed all these "lines" last month at the Neutral Ground Coffeehouse with Emily in the front row (a couch) was like WAS making love to an audience and a woman at the same time..I will never return to being a solo performer again..she will always be in the first row...cuz she paused after learning the first line to Baby Oolong..."that D..." see she plays piano and as the Siren Goddess would have it..not only is she disarmingly, uncomfortably beutiful but she happened to play for me the first three songs I was raised on.....I thot.."Oh gawd..all the women I have ever known have come back as one southern belle born in Shreveport but raised in Baton Rouge to redeem head swirled to explain to the audience the climax..the ORJAZZM in the first line of Baby Oolong...Emily was learning how to raise the takes a Pillage to RAZE a Village....on the second line..."But that D..." then she paused...I was caught.."Oh baby I'm sorry you caught me going out with another song..." See Baby Oolong only lasts SO long..then I started tacking on Hello Beer Can...from Roast Beef the 7th album...she plays Roast Beef in Mojo's but it's no match for a chordship when you're dealing with Baby just makes it longer like my three minutes song form all is up for grabs as I've given her the heart of Darkness to read and my own Dark of Hardness as well as Madame Ovary and The Perception of Doors...about Jim,Toni and Van Morrisson co-writing "Come on Baby Fight my Fuego....and we complete the confusion of white to black with Mingus the Black Bela Bartok and Bartok the white show on April 30th will be far more complex than the first one in Feb when I explained having an ORJAZZM with and to and among the crowd....I demand that we come together but I can't control the issue...we had our second fight last nite..she's learning Summertime but went fropm A min to E seventh...I said NO go to D after A min..I haven't heard from her yet..I wrote it our last nite for her to learn helped take her away from Joe who was hitting hard with all his Yoga disciplines...I'm still in the Hatha,Bakhti,Kundalini age..Joe is younger...they have Tasanga...Tikisokomooroo and stuff I'm making up cuz it's new....I've had to trade in all my Transcendental Gold Fillings for new, updated digitally re-mastered mantras....secrets of course like..."Blackberry I pod I phone"...and "Wiki twitter google..." Suppertime ! In the Living Big Easy.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Buck stops here by b.rose

The Buck stops here by b.roseThe Great Buck Howard starring John Malkovich is about a guy who was on the Johnny Carson Show sixty one times."Please ( he tells interviewers) it was The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson....I was on there sixty one times...."Robert Christgau of the NY Times said "minimum requirements for stardom is a year on the Tonight Show". I was on there twelve times....whew just made it's Facebook and MySpace so everybody's famous....except me and Robert Christgau. I call Johnny Carson the Jesus Christ Show with Ed Messiah and....Adolf Hitler was for THE FATHERLAND and Jesus is supposed to have said, "Father,unto thy hands I come..mend my Spirit..." and so in this Spirit of black and white (Hitler evil boll weevel) and Jesus (Good God a'mighty) that I say "I am the Second Coming of Christ" and white..piano......take note....takes a Pillage to raze a Village....You're supposed to eat the electricity of this NET cast upon the seize with your eyes for the Second Coming like the Bread and Wine with your mouth for the First Coming.I feel Aries the Ram rising with a wry ZING to ram a Bok down Rahm Immanuel's throat and call his name "a manual" It's Arien not Aryan Supremacy i don't know y....Arien, Arien, Arien Supremacy !!! I break Randy Newman in half for a "New Man".Randy Newman asked me first time we met, 'why are you always so happy?"Before I could tell him "because I'm the Second Coming of Christ and am earier than you and my fans are a soup mix of people who are SOUP-EARIER to your yuppie Jooboisie money grubbing kikesucking oh never offense meant I'm sure none was taken....just kidding"Before I could tell him the truth of y things r the way they r... the girl beside me interrupted.."just tell him you're happy because you're not jewish....""Well,Biff, I think you're a rude son of a bitsch" said Paul Williams the short little guy who wanted to be big last time we spoke.....I called him to ask him why he kept telling people he wrote the song Fill Your Heart..."Well,Biff,I think you're a rude SOB""I know,Paul, but that's not the point...the point is...why do you tell people that YOU wrote Fill Your it because you are short and wanna be big in peoples' eyes with all those bubblegum lollypop lyrics you write ?...I mean you're dealing with the Second Coming fo Christ....Twelve Apostles on the ol' J.C. Show...minimum requirements....i don't know y...Arien Supremacy.....

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Michelle Obama feels up the Queen of England

The Global Theatre presents..."King Lear Jet"

How strong is Barrabas Obama's Global Charm ? VERY STRONG because no one is trying to kill him/ That's because most of the world's leaders, the G-20 are WHITE and don't want you ta call them "racist". They're atoning for all their ancestors running over all those people in colonial Africa and running over the Indians in Native-America...moving ever westward in a "Manifest Destiny" then jumping into Vietnam and lighting firecrackers for the Vietnamese New Year..the TIT FOR TET Offensive while the Viet Cong were lighting mortars and the United States empire came to a screaching halt....going back to Aunt Romulus and Unlce Remus....Aunt Romulus reared her ugly "hell and ready" to (Helen Reddy) being strong and invincible so Uncle Remus Barabbas Obama had to come save the day...
No one tried to kill Hitler as he charmed the German people and Barabbas Obama's following in his footsteps (charming people). That's just as strange to white folks as the notes on a piano are to those who don;t hear me (take note).
Michelle started the black takeover of the world by placing her arm around Queen Elizabeth when you're NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH THE PERSON OF THE QUEEN.
Protocol was breached so they beamed it around the world on CNN and FOX News so everybody knows what to look out for as Black Key makes its move to take over White's affected me...I can't stop rolling my fingers across the black keys just to let them know I know what they're up to....take note.
But the most lively and deadly effect of Michelle Obama's "naked" aggression against the Queen was that the QUEEN got HOT FLASHES !
I need to kill Barrabas Obama in the show biz sense and dare red dare Michelle Ma Belle over cuz I'm in touch with Royalty,too.....BOWIE sends me a check for imitating me... so has to pay me royally so Check it out...I use BOWIE as a knife.
AND as a little "buoy" in the Ocean of Love to kill every single solo white performer and the jews cuz they don;t know where to go...they can't ALL be rocket scientists or bankers so they make up "MYTHS" like "Working Class Hero" which fits B.S. and makes gazillions for THE BOSS and ten percent foe the jews...twenty percent....I paid thirty to Roy Silver so Judas could be got off the hook..."Thirty percent for Silver".
I borrow ALLAH from the Muslims and OBAMA from Africa by way of Hawaii and Kansas to make ALABAMA MORE FAMOUS for Helen Keller feeling Margaret Sullivan's fingers drawing a "W" in her palm....then an "A" WATER was running through her fingers....Helen Keller began to make the connection between water itself and the symbols that spell "Water".....a new day dawned for Helen Keller....words like water your head...the earie're people are a soup mix...they are soup-earier....words like water entwine at this Wedding Fast...we feast...words turning into water entwine....water a drink...Michelle was spelling something on Queen Elizabeth's back....Uhuru,Zulu,Zambesi. Believe it or knot. That's why I have to kill Barrabas Obama in the show biz sense....and dare red rover to send Michelle over..cuz I've got my eye on Emily the waitress at Mojo's coffeehouse...we be descended from monkeys and ascended to MONK. Remember Helen Killer and Allah Obama turn words like water Alabama...sweet ho'